After the War
After the War
By:Martha King
Published on 2004 by

Since the publication of Martha King's New Italian Women: A Collection of Short Fiction by Italica Press in 1989, a whole new generation of women writers, born and educated after World War II, has grown up on the Italian literary scene. They lived through the revolution of the late 1960s and have enjoyed economic and social advantages unimaginable by previous generations. The militant 1960s and '70s also broke down many traditional barriers that had kept women at home and restricted their job possibilities. Broader experiences provided women writers of the post-war generation with new material for creative expression and new attitudes to explore. An entirely new range of subjects displaces the autobiographical and memory writing of earlier years. This younger generation deals more openly with sexual themes and shows a willingness to take on heretofore unmentionable topics. They describe abuse, mental illness, the body and erotic relationships are described with a new frankness. At the same time, they treat the realities of modernity - apartment living, the television, pop music and the internet, the Americanization of the culture and the language - as the tangible background of their fictions, often with cutting satire or subversive wit. The wider horizons of this post-war generation, and greater artistic freedom, have given them new subjects to explore. These writers have taken their rightful place in the mainstream of current fiction, often at a surprisingly young age, as they imaginatively explore their expanding world with an unapologetic openness and with the unflinching courage to reveal contemporary reality in a variety of voices. Their literary precursors would be proud. The authors include: Silvia Ballestra, Melania G. Mazzucco, Camilla Baresani, Marta Morazzoni, Rosanna Campo, Laura Pariani, Paola Capriolo, Romana Petri, Antonella Cilento, Sandra Petrignani, Emilia Cirillo, Elisabetta Rasy, Carmen Covito, Monica Sarsini, Maria Rosa Cutrufelli, Clara Sereni, Elena Ferrante, Susanna Tamaro, Margherita Giacobino, Valeria Vigano, Margaret Mazzantini, Simona Vinci. The translators include: Maryanne De Julio, Carol Lazzaro-Weis, Carmine G. Di Biase, Barbara Nucci, Adria Frizzi, Minna Proctor, Ann Gagliardi, Martha Witt, Angela M. Jeannet, Mary Ann Frese Witt, Martha King, Sharon Wood.|
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